It was in a burst of generosity that 248 golfers took part in the golf tournament marking the 25th anniversary of the Marie-Clarac Hospital Foundation, on August 16, 2021, at the prestigious Golf St-Raphaël.
Under the honorary chairmanship of Mr. Joseph Broccolini, executive vice-president of Broccolini, the event helped achieved the goal of $ 225,000 for the benefit of the Foundation. This sum will contribute to the well-being of patients, in particular by allowing the purchase of rehabilitation equipment to restore the autonomy to people who have lost it. The funds raised will also be used to support people at the end of their life and their loved ones, in serenity and dignity.
“I would like to thank all the participants who celebrated with us the 25th anniversary of the Marie-Clarac Hospital Foundation as part of this magnificent day of golf. Players, donors and sponsors thus participate in maintaining the excellence of the services offered at the Marie-Clarac Hospital, ” said Mr. Broccolini.
A success under the honorary chairmanship of Joseph Broccolini